The Lion Skin Donkey - With Moral - English Story


The Lion Skin Donkey

Once upon a time in the depths of a jungle. There lived a Donkey. And he was no ordinary donkey for he was ambitious… very, very, ambitious. (The Lion Skin Donkey)

  • Donkey says :- Someday, I will go to the moon and rescue that rabbit from there.

  • Monkey says :- Rabbit? What rabbit?

  • Donkey says :- That Rabbit, That one right there!

  • Monkey says :- While you are there, get that hot orange from the Sun for me.

  • Donkey says :- Yeah, yeah, sur- wait, are you trying to make fun of me?

  • Monkey says :- Trying? No, Mr. Donkey. I AM making fun of you.

But nothing could dampen the Donkey’s spirit. He would be as ambitious as ever. Only that, his ambitions kept changing. (the lion skin donkey)

  • Donkey says :- Ya Know, someday, I am gonna fly with the birds! That’s right! Baibeh! Swoosh! Whoosh! and  fly!

  • Turtle says :- Okay.

  • Donkey says :- and maybe I can carry you on my back so that you experience speed.

  • Turtle says :- Okay.

  • Donkey says :- And then maybe we can.

  • Turtle says :- Sounds wonderful! See you soon.
  • Poor Donkey! No one in the jungle understood him or his spirit.

  • Donkey says :- But as always, he would always bounce back and find a new ambition.

  • Tiger says :- What news do you bring, Fox?

  • Fox says :- The lion’s nowhere to be seen. It’s been more than a week. I think the hunters have found him.
  • Tiger says :- Are you sure?

  • Fox says :- I think so, master!

  • Tiger says :- You THINK so? I cannot announce my dominance over this jungle with your assumption! Go, and bring me concrete proof! Else. I will eat you first.

  • Fox says :- Yes, yes, master!

The Donkeys heard their conversation, and wondered what was going on when suddenly an apple dropped on his head. (the lion skin donkey)

  • Donkey says :- Ouch!

  • Tiger says :- Who is that?

  • Donkey says :- D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-

  • Tiger says :- D-d-d-d-what?

  • Donkey says :- Donk-donk-donk-Donkey! Donkey, Sire!

  • Tiger says :- Donkeyyyy! Hmmm… Tell me, Donkey, where were you eavesdropping on me?

  • Donkey says :- M-m-m-m-m-m-m-mee? N-n-n-n-no! Of-of course not, Sire! I was just passing by thinking about marrying a Princess

  • Tiger says :- A princess? You mean a ‘human’ princess?

  • Donkey says :- That’s RIGHT, sire! Hahahah You see, one day, I am gonna go to a kingdom where the most beautiful princess of all lives, and ask the king for her hand, And… who can say no to such a handsome face, right? Right? Right?

  • the-lion-skin-donkey-tiger
    Tiger says :- DO YOU THINK I AM DUMB? I WILL KILL YOU!!! 

  • Donkey says :- N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, no, Sire!
  • Monkey says :- Tiger! Stop!

  • Tiger says :- Huh?

  • Monkey says :- Trust me when I say this! This Donkey is crazy and it has crazy thoughts. Last week it wanted to go to the moon to free the rabbit! So when he tells you that he wants to marry a Princess, know that he is very serious!

At That the Tiger laughed out loud.

  • Tiger says :- HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, what an idiot! Thank you, monkey! I would have eaten a silly being otherwise!

  • Donkey says :- Th-th-th-thank you, Sire! And thank you, monkey!

  • Tiger says :- LEAVE! Before I change my mind!

And so the poor Donkey fled from there, thanking his stars that he was still alive. Meanwhile, the animals of the jungle were beginning to lose patience. (the lion skin donkey)


  • Elephant says :- Our King has not been seen for over a week. It is time we accept the inevitable!

  • Deer says :- Noh! Don’t say that. If something horrible has happened to our Lion King, then our lives are at risk too. Tiger will not spare any of us.

  • Zebra says :- We must pray. All of us. Pray to God to bring our king back. Otherwise, we are all doomed!

  • Elephant says :- Dear Almighty, please, bring our messiah back! We wonder where he is.

  • Donkey says :- Here I am! Walking about this forest, sad and dejected. Treated with no respect. Everyone makes fun of me laughs at me One day. One day I’ll be the King of the jungle and wait, what? What on earth?

  • To his surprise. The Donkey found the skin of the Lion King lying under a tree.

  • Donkey says :- The Skin of The Lion King. The hunters must have dropped it by mistake.

  • Not thinking much about it, the donkey dressed himself in it to amuse himself.

  • Donkey says :- Hahaha! I am Mr. Lion, look at me! The King of the jungle. Look at me! Head high as it can be, look at me! So mighty and proud, look at me!

And as the Donkey trotted along the road with a jump in his step and a delight in his tune. He didn’t realize that several animals took to their heels the moment they saw him. (the lion skin donkey)

  • the-lion-skin-donkey-rabbit
    Rabbit says :- The King has returned! The King has returned!

  • Elephant says :- What?

  • Rabbit says :- I… just saw him walking about gleefully across the jungle.
  • Giraffe says :- Here he is!

And at once, all the animals bowed down to the Donkey in the Lion Skin.

  • Elephant says :- Your majesty! Welcome back!

  • Donkey says :- Wait, what?

  • Donkey was quite shocked to see that he was being treated like a King…

  • Zebra  says :- We were beginning worry about  your wellbeing, King!

  • Donkey says :- I just decided to take a break! But that’s behind us now. I am back and as your King the first thing I am going to do is banish Tiger from the jungle.

All animals oohhhhoohhhooh ohhhohhhoo

  • Donkey says :- I am coming for you Tiger!

  • Fox says :- Master! Master!

  • Tiger says :- What is it?

  • Fox says :- The Lion King is back and he is coming for you!

  • Tiger says :- What?

  • Fox says :- I heard their conversation. He seems… he seems different. Like more determined than before. You better run. Master, for he is coming.

Fearing for his life, the Tiger fled the jungle…

  • Fox says :- Take me with you. Master! 

The fox followed him. The animals were ecstatic to hear the news. They all cheered and laughed and praised their King.

The Donkey was so pleased to see the animals praising him just as if he were King Lion himself. That he couldn't stop himself from braying loudly and angrily. (the lion skin donkey)

  • Donkey says :- heehoo heehoo heehoo

  • All the animals were stunned.

  • Elephant says :- Wait! You are… you are not the Lion King?

  • Zebra says :- Imposter!

  • Donkey says :- I-I am sorry?

All animals say Imposter! imposter importer!

The furious animals at once ran towards Donkey, who threw the skin off and ran for his life. He ran and ran and ran and finally was at the edge of the jungle. (the lion skin donkey)

  • Donkey says :- Wow! I save their life and this is how they pay me back?

  • Monkey says :- If you had kept your mouth shut you might have been the king for a longer time. However, with that foolish bray, you gave yourself away.
  • Donkey says :- Now what do I do? Where do I go? 

  • Monkey says :- First of all, stop daydreaming. Start being who you really are. And second, always remember that a fool may deceive by his dress and appearance. But his words will soon show what he really is.

The Donkey understood what the Monkey told him and then nodding sadly went about his way. (the lion skin donkey)

From then on he gave his silly ambitions away and worked hard. 

  • Donkey says :- Careful there, I was a King once.

The Lion Skin Donkey


ShiZone Tech.

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